Dialogue: d92a-2.2 Number of utterances files: 57 Length of dialogue: 169.022568 Estimated number of turns: 49 utt1 : s: hello can I help you utt2 : u: yes um I have a problem here utt3 : I need to transport one tanker of orange juice to Avon and a boxcar of bananas to Corning by three p.m. utt4 : and I think it's midnight now utt5 : s: uh right it's midnight utt6 : u: okay so we need to um get a tanker of OJ to Avon is the first thing we need to do utt7 : + so + utt8 : s: + okay + utt9 : so we have to make orange juice first utt10 : u: mm-hm okay so we're gonna pick up an engine two from Elmira utt11 : go to Corning pick up the tanker utt12 : s: mm-hm utt13 : u: go back to Elmira to get pick up the orange juice utt14 : s: alright um well we also need to make the orange juice so we need to get + oranges to Elmira + utt15 : u: + oh we need to pick up + oranges oh + okay + utt16 : s: + yeah + utt17 : u: alright so engine number two is going to pick up a boxcar utt18 : s: mm-hm utt19 : u: and go from Elmira to Corning utt20 : s: mm-hm utt21 : u: pick up a tanker and and load the boxcar with oranges utt22 : take them back to Elmira to make orange juice utt23 : s: okay so that will have us uh that will have us with orange j- orange juice at Elmira at six a.m. utt24 : u: okay and then I need a + box- + utt25 : s: + so we + wanna we wanna take it to Avon right utt26 : u: right utt27 : s: okay utt28 : u: we should take it + can we take it by + Bath utt29 : s: + uh so yes + utt30 : right so load it into the tanker car utt31 : u: right utt32 : s: and then go to Avon by Bath utt33 : u: right utt34 : s: um utt35 : u: and then we need to get the boxcar of + bananas + utt36 : s: + oh- + okay that gets us in at exactly three p.m. utt37 : u: good utt38 : s: alright utt39 : u: okay now we need a boxcar of bananas utt40 : s: um utt41 : u: to Corning utt42 : s: alright + um + utt43 : u: + boxcar + of bananas to Corning utt44 : s: okay bananas + are at Avon + utt45 : u: + okay so we're + we're gonna take engine number one utt46 : s: mm-hm utt47 : u: and we're gonna oh no um utt48 : s: well there are boxcars at uh Dansville utt49 : u: okay so we're gonna go pick them up at Dansville come back get the bananas utt50 : s: mm-hm utt51 : u: and then go to Corning or we could hm utt52 : s: okay well let's see to get the b- to go to Dansville and come back and load the bananas that'll be seven a.m. and we can go the top route to Corning and get there + by + eleven a.m. utt53 : u: + mm-hm + utt54 : okay utt55 : s: so that's that's it utt56 : u: I'm now finished utt57 : s: