w1: well w2: what w3: do w4: you w5: think w6: about w7: the w8: last w9: candidate w10: do w11: you w12: think w13: we w14: should w15: hire w16: her w17: she w18: had w19: a w20: very w21: impressive w22: resume w23: but w24: she w25: seemed w26: yo w27: lack w28: the w29: confidence w30: that w31: I w32: think w33: a w34: good w35: manager w36: needs w37: what w38: made w39: you w40: think w41: that w42: she w43: wasn't w44: very w45: confident w46: did w47: you w48: notice w49: the w50: way w51: she w52: avoided w53: making w54: eye w55: contact w56: with w57: us w58: while w59: she w60: talked w61: she w62: was w63: a w64: bit w65: nervous w66: I w67: guess w68: what w68: else w70: when w71: she w72: first w73: walked w74: into w75: the w76: room w77: to w78: greet w79: us w80: she w81: didn't w82: shake w83: our w84: hands w85: or w86: introduce w87: herself w88: at w89: all w90: i w91: thought w92: that w93: was w94: a w95: bit w96: unprofessional w97: you're w98: right w99: if w100: she w101: walked w102: into w103: a w104: meeting w105: with w106: our w107: clients w108: like w109: that w110: it w111: would w112: make w113: our w114: company w115: look w116: bad w117: wouldn't w118: it w119: it w120: sure w121: would w122: did w123: you w124: also w125: notice w126: the w127: way w128: she w129: slouched w130: in w131: her w132: chair w133: during w134: most w135: of w136: the w137: interview w138: she w139: had w140: horrible w141: posture w142: i w143: agree w144: i w145: guess w146: i w147: was w148: paying w149: more w150: attention w151: to w152: her w153: answers w154: than w155: her w156: body w157: language w158: on w159: top w160: of w161: that w162: she w163: didn't w164: seem w165: to w166: have w167: any w168: sense w169: of w170: people's w171: personal w172: space w173: she w174: didn't w175: keep w176: enough w177: distance w178: between w179: us w180: during w181: the w182: meeting w183: that's w184: true w185: i w186: guess w187: we'll w188: have w189: to w190: keep w191: looking w192: for w193: a w194: manager w195: then w196: don't w197: worry w198: we'll w199: find w200: someone w201: eventually