TRAINS dialogues

The TRAINS corpus of problem solving dialogues was collected at the University of Rochester as part of the TRAINS project. The dialogues involve two participants: one who plays the role of a user and has a certain task to accomplish, and another who plays the role of the system by acting as a planning assistant. The task in these dialogues concerns the shipping of goods in a railroad freight system.

Part of the TRAINS corpus was annotated using the DAMSL annotation scheme. Two examples of transcribed, segmented and DAMSL-annotated dialogues are the following:

Dialogue d92a-2.2 transcription and DAMSL DAMSL_annotation

Dialogue d92a-3.1 transcription and DAMSL annotation

ISO-annotated dialogues (gold standard):

Dialogue TRAINS 1 (d92-1)
Dialogue TRAINS 2
Dialogue TRAINS 3